Seaweed Fertilisers: Why Kelp is Great For Your Plants

March 2, 2017

Celtic and Scandinavian farmers have been using seaweed as a crop fertiliser for centuries. As a proven organic fertisliser, soil builder, and compost activator, seaweed, or more specifically kelp is great for your plants!

What is Kelp?

Kelp is usually found in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic waters, and is one of the largest marine plants that can thrive in these freezing temperatures. It can also grow by up to 60cm in size in just one day.

Kelp contains a range of complex carbohydrates, which when used as a fertiliser in soil, effectively promotes the growth of a host of plant species. This is because its carbohydrates stimulate the microbial fungi that are found in soil. In doing so, it provides the plants with their essential nutrients, while defending them against soil borne diseases.

Kelp is often favoured over other forms of fertiliser because it has the broadest range of nutrients, which not only promotes the growth of plants, as regular use can result in early flowering and cropping, while also enhancing the sugar content in fruit. What’s not to love?

How Is Kelp Beneficial to Your Plants?

As well as stimulating plant growth, kelp can acidify and add naturally chelated iron to nutrient solutions. This will prove beneficial if you’re trying to grow plants that require extra nutrients and regular fertilisation, such as gardenias and camellias.

Another fantastic benefit of kelp as a fertiliser is that it contains natural plant hormones, which makes moving your plants around the garden a lot easier. Often, when you move a plant from one spot to another it can contract transplant shock, which is what causes many plants to wilt or die after they’ve been replanted.

There are countless benefits to using kelp, but perhaps the most notable one is its effectiveness in germinating seeds. For example, if a peanut seed is soaked in kelp for approximately 24-hours, the seeds’ germination rate will improve significantly.

From protecting plants against frost, to making them pest and disease resistant, the effectiveness of kelp as a fertiliser is undeniable.

How Should it be Used?

Kelp fertilisers can be purchased as a concentrated liquid. Liquid kelp fertilisers can optimise plant growth and flowering potential and optimum results when sprayed directly on the plant’s leaves.

For more information on the types of kelp available, and how it should be used to meet your specific needs, contact the team at Hydroponic Generations today!